Chapel Pointe: Desiring to Make a Radical Impact for the Kingdom

Max Spoelstra

Editor's Note: This article is part of a series featuring the 2020 Sacred Sector Fellows. Each Fellow received a host site placement, where they are conducting an organizational assessment and implementation plan, and then will apply the “Three P’s” -- organizational best practices, public policy, and positive engagement -- at their host site.

Chapel Pointe is a non-denominational church in Hudsonville, MI. It is a growing congregation that is highly active in its community and is intentional in discipleship and spiritual growth. The church underwent a number of changes in leadership and mission five to seven years ago, which resulted in the revitalization of a stagnant congregation, and a clear and unified church mission: to be transformed followers of Jesus, passionately responding to God, rooted in prayer and the Word, and equipping disciples.

Chapel Pointe’s strength lies within its organizational practices and public positioning. Leadership from the board of elders and lead staff has implemented a thriving community of ministry leaders to be thoroughly equipped and trained to pursue the mission of their area of ministry. Each aspect of the ministry is evaluated through the lens of the mission of the church to maintain consistency both to the work of the ministry, as well as the convictions and values of the organization as a whole. This allows the staff to have the freedom and clarity to run hard towards what accomplishes the mission of the church, and to say no to things that don’t.

 The church has also continued to grow in its relationship with the surrounding community, maintaining healthy relationships with local community leaders, and emphasizing partnership with like-hearted ministries in the community to advance the kingdom of God together. Chapel Pointe holds a strong belief that the church was created to be the church together. They are consistently in the community serving and providing opportunities and aid to hurting families, struggling marriages, isolated seniors, and more. Because of this, the church has a very positive standing with the local community and has been blessed with growing influence in the West Michigan area.

 As a church organization, public policy is not at the forefront of many conversations but works behind the scenes to equip the staff and position the ministry well. That said, the entirety of the staff carries the attitude to pursue the vision of the church with excellence in all areas. The ministry has policies that demonstrate its values, from a highly intentional employment process to safety precautions for children ministry. This was demonstrated through the COVID-19 crisis, as the church adapted and navigated the changing policies while respecting governing authorities and mindfully communicating to the congregation.

Through this time in the Sacred Sector Fellowship, I will continue to work in my current role as the Student Ministry Director. In addition to evaluating the organizational policies, practices, and positioning, I’ll be implementing what I learn through this time into my own area of ministry, to see how a student ministry, a sub-ministry of the whole, benefits from mindful pursuit of organizational excellence to accomplish its mission. I hope to set practices in place that strengthen the ministry and can provide a model for student ministry leaders to learn and grow from as well.

In the midst of a current transitory moment in our culture, Chapel Pointe is growing and developing. It’s now important for us as a ministry to position ourselves to continue to implement our culture and mission through every phase of our organizational journey. To prepare for the growth of the church, this summer I plan to develop a long-term strategy for student ministry to accomplish its mission through scalable and sustainable structures.

Max Spoelstra lives in Grand Rapids, and serves as the student ministry director at Chapel Pointe Church.


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