Resources: Work Loss in a Pandemic

Webinar: Work Loss in a Pandemic

The U.S. unemployment rate is surging, and faith-based organizations and their workers are feeling the effects. The Center for Public Justice hosted a webinar on what CARES Act changes to unemployment insurance could mean for faith-based employers and workers in the sacred sector. The webinar covered:

- How the sacred sector is affected by loss of work
- How the CARES Act changed the unemployment insurance system
- How states are adapting (or not adapting) to pandemic unemployment conditions
- What CARES Act unemployment changes mean for individuals and faith-based organizations


Resource: How Changes to the Unemployment System Affect the Sacred Sector

Through recently enacted legislation and new guidance, Congress and the Department of Labor have made changes to the unemployment insurance system that affect individuals across the country, including in the sacred sector. This resource provides sacred sector employers and workers with helpful information regarding the unemployment insurance system, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act, and work-share programs.