What Nonprofits Need to Know About Coronavirus

This article was originally published by the Standards for Excellence® Institute in March 2020. Standards for Excellence is a Replication Partner of Sacred Sector.

By jess begue

Over the past few weeks, coverage of COVID-19 (coronavirus) has dominated the news cycle. While the world has responded with swift mobilization, it is difficult to plan for the effect an outbreak could have on your community. Thankfully, infectious disease experts in Maryland and around the globe have developed advice on how to prepare for an outbreak, both personally and in the workplace.

Some of the advice provided by the Health Department for healthcare professionals is also relevant to all of us:

  • Encourage basic infection control practices such as hand hygiene, environmental cleaning, respiratory hygiene, and cough etiquette

  • Ensure non-punitive sick leave policies

  • Strong internal and external communication

About the Standards for Excellence® Institute  

The Standards for Excellence originated as a special initiative of Maryland Nonprofits in 1998 and has since expanded into a national program to help nonprofit organizations achieve the highest benchmarks of ethics and accountability in nonprofit governance, management and operations. The program has been formally adopted by twelve state, regional, and national affiliate organizations. It is supported by over 170 Licensed Consultants and over 100 volunteers with professional experience in nonprofit governance and administration. Since its inception, the program has accredited or recognized over 200 individual nonprofit organizations that completed a rigorous application and review process to demonstrate adherence to the Standards for Excellence: An Ethics and Accountability Code for the Nonprofit Sectorwww.standardsforexcellence.org.