Faith-Based Organizations Contribute Greatly to Society, and Need Institutional Religious Freedom to Make Their Contributions

Faith-Based Organizations Contribute Greatly to Society, and Need Institutional Religious Freedom to Make Their Contributions

Although not as obvious as government agencies, media companies, or retail chains, faith-based organizations play large and essential roles in American life, both in the value of the services they offer and in the variety of those services. In this excerpt from his chapter in the new book, Set Free: Restoring Religious Freedom for All, edited by Art Lindsley & Anne R. Bradley (Abilene Christian University Press, 2019), Dr. Carlson-Thies notes that vital role and shows how institutional religious freedom protects it.

Strengthening Drug-Exposed Infants and Their Families: An Interview with Brigid's Path Executive Director Jill Kingston

Strengthening Drug-Exposed Infants and Their Families: An Interview with Brigid's Path Executive Director Jill Kingston

Brigid’s Path, a newborn recovery center in Dayton, Ohio, improves the health of newborn babies and mothers impacted by addiction. By accessing a wide range of community services with the assistance of family advocates, Brigid’s Path strengthens families during their bonding journey. In this interview with Brigid Path’s Executive Director, Jill Kingston, Sacred Sector Director Chelsea Langston Bombino gets more insight on how the organization is fulfilling its mission.

Webinar: Five Dimensions of a Family-Supportive Workplace

Join the Center for Public Justice on Friday, November 15 at 1 pm ET to learn about the five dimensions of a family-supportive workplace, with practical steps organizations can take to grow in each dimension. Registrants will receive access to a forthcoming resource book for employers and employees who are looking to develop family-supportive policies in their work environment.

The First Amendment: Deeply Personal, Deeply Communal

The First Amendment: Deeply Personal, Deeply Communal

To live fully as humans made in the image of God who serve in various roles across their lives, it is vital that humans have the freedom to flourish in all spheres of life. The freedoms established by the First Amendment allow this expression of humanity to be made possible at a personal level, but they also have implications for institutions that promote human flourishing at a larger level. Chelsea Langston Bombino suggests that “the different elements of the First Amendment reflect something fundamental about what it means to be human.”

Books that Help Put Institutional Religious Freedom in Practice

Books that Help Put Institutional Religious Freedom in Practice

Individual religious freedom and freedom of conscience are well understood in the United States, albeit not equally well protected in practice. Less understood is what religious freedom might entail for organizations and why it is important to them. Stanley Carlson-Thies reviews a few recent books that can help us develop a better grasp of institutional religious freedom.

Sacred Sector in Review: How Faith-based Organizations Advance Their Impact

Sacred Sector in Review: How Faith-based Organizations Advance Their Impact

Many FBOs believe they are called by a divine creative being—by God—to serve in a specific area. Therefore, to fully integrate and advance their missions in everything they do, faith-based nonprofits must be attuned not only to how each area of their organizational life furthers a particular service-area, but how each area reflects and lives out their distinctive, sacred identity. Chelsea Langston Bombino looks at three very different books released last year that touch on themes of furthering the mission and impact of an organization or a cause in the public square.

A Faith-based Approach to Environmental Justice

A Faith-based Approach to Environmental Justice

Those who work in advocacy and lobby efforts are often viewed as ruthless and amoral.  However, faith-based organizations (FBOs) who include advocacy and lobbying as a part of their mission or values provide a double blessing. Their efforts in these areas help to assure their longevity but also provide valuable avenues for their stakeholders to embrace civic engagement as followers of Jesus Christ. Tricia Bosma, 2019 Sacred Sector Fellow, highlights The Office of Social Justice in the Christian Reformed Church of North America, and the ways these faith-based organizations promote political discipleship through their Climate Witness Project.