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“During my time as a Sacred Sector Fellow…

…with the Council of Churches in Greater Bridgeport Connecticut (CCGB), I studied and documented the strengths and opportunities of their organizational culture. Also, I crafted an educational piece on the Clean Slate Initiative, an important step towards criminal justice reform in which the Council is engaged. One of my learning goals was to understand how theological competence can inform issues of justice and equity by observing and clarifying the CCGB’s theological rationale for its stance on crafting public policy which centers around equity and justice.”

- Omar Nicholson, 2020 Sacred Sector Fellow

Webinar Recording: Emergency Paid Sick and Family Leave During COVID-19

Emergency paid family leave and sick days can provide time for respite, recovery, and care during COVID-19. Parents can take emergency leave when schools close or shift to distance learning. Covered employers can receive refundable tax credits to offset the cost of providing emergency leave. Although there are some key gaps in coverage, the paid leave enabled through the recent Families First Coronavirus Response Act, could prove valuable support for those struggling to meet the challenges of this pandemic.    

CPJ's Families Valued hosted a webinar to provide workers and employers an overview with practical tips that responded to a host of questions. Special thanks to Molly Weston Williamson from A Better Balance for helping us navigate the new law. 

Download the brief on emergency paid leave during COVID-19.

“I applied to the Sacred Sector Fellowship because I believed this program would bridge together my theological education and my interest in public policy. Thanks to the Sacred Sector Fellowship, I am learning how my faith and theological education can impact public policy, legislation, and my service to my community. I hope to take what I am learning from this experience and use it to help create change in my local community.”
— Dominique, 2018 Fellow