Trump Announces New Federal Faith And Community Initiative

At a National Day of Prayer ceremony in the White House Rose Garden on May 3, President Donald Trump signed an executive order creating the White House Faith and Opportunity Initiative. This is President Trump’s version of a federal initiative created by President George W. Bush and continued, with changes, by President Barack Obama. The White House Faith and Opportunity Initiative shares much with its predecessors, although it is distinctly different in some ways. What it shares with its predecessors is most important. The new Initiative, like the Bush and Obama programs, represents…

Faith-based Organizations Transform Communities Through Strategic Partnerships

Recent headlines about churches accepting public funds for historic preservation have reignited the public debate about church-state separation. Though not expressly established in the Constitution, the separation of church and state is a value many Americans affirm. Yet this value can also have negative consequences; it tends to enforce the idea that church and state are fundamentally at odds, and that church-state collaborations ultimately undermine the integrity of one institution or the other. However, in reality, when faith-based organizations such as churches and nonprofits choose to partner with government it can benefit the organization, the government and the common good…

The Economic Impact of Faith-Based Colleges and Universities

Christian colleges and universities can often find themselves on the defensive. They may be asked to explain their commitment to their Christian values, their high standards for faculty, staff and students, or how their sacred mission contributes to their academic goals. Although they are frequently scrutinized, the reality is that Christian colleges and universities make irreplaceable contributions to the common good not only in terms of advancing faith and intellect, but also in terms of economic impact…

How Faith-Based Organizations Bolster Local Communities

When a local church is featured in the media, it isn’t usually to highlight its thriving ministry. Media consumers are more interested in church controversy than in the important work of small groups or outreach programs. Media organizations aren’t the only ones missing out on the important work of local churches; in fact, society often perceives the work of local churches as primarily taking place on Sunday mornings. However, many churches contribute extensively…

How Faith-Based Organizations Empower the Marginalized Across Contexts [Part 2 of 2]

Religious freedom is a comprehensive issue that deals with a range of topics. Religious freedom protections have implications for whether an Orthodox Jewish community can build a temple, whether a Muslim man can retain a beard while imprisoned or whether a public university can host a Catholic club on campus. Today, conversations about religious freedom often revolve around the intersection of religion and sexual orientation/gender identity (SOGI). While religious freedom has to do with far more than…

How Faith-Based Organizations Empower the Marginalized Across Contexts [Part 1 of 2]

Recent contentions surrounding the term “Evangelical” have forced Christians to reckon with the differences embedded in their faith community. As disagreements arise and counterpoints are exchanged, it is becoming increasingly clear that the terms “Evangelical” and “Christian” can mean a variety of things to different people. Yet despite political or theological divisions…

The Federal Faith-Based Initiative: Good News is Hiding Behind No News

With little to no fanfare, the Trump administration for the last year has been slowly appointing new staff to the federal Centers for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships. More importantly, the administration has maintained the federal equal treatment regulations. This is good news for faith-based organizations and for the sacred sector because it means that…

The Vital Impact of Faith-Based Crisis Pregnancy Centers

The Vital Impact of Faith-Based Crisis Pregnancy Centers

On Tuesday, March 20, the U. S. Supreme Court heard oral arguments in National Institute of Family and Life Advocates v. Becerra. The case concerns whether crisis pregnancy centers — often faith-based organizations — can be forced by California’s law, the Reproductive FACT Act, to advertise abortion to their patients.

According to this 2015 law, a licensed clinic providing primarily family planning...

Faith-Based Organizations Sit at the Intersection of Criminal Justice and Immigration Reform [Part 2 of 2]

Faith-Based Organizations Sit at the Intersection of Criminal Justice and Immigration Reform [Part 2 of 2]

The scriptural basis for caring for the orphan is clear: passages on the subject span the Old and New Testament and leave no room for interpretive error. Perhaps because of this, the Christian community has a history of caring for orphans through adoption agencies, foster programs, orphanages and other ministries. Yet while Christian communities are often generous...

Faith-Based Organizations Sit at the Intersection of Criminal Justice and Immigration Reform [Part 1 of 2]

Faith-Based Organizations Sit at the Intersection of Criminal Justice and Immigration Reform [Part 1 of 2]

Recent frustration over the government’s inability to preserve DACA has sparked renewed concern about immigration, especially as it involves youths and children. Stories about individual Dreamers who meaningfully contribute to U.S. society have circulated and amassed public, bipartisan support of DACA. But what if instead of having to come to the United States to succeed...

The Vital Role of Faith-based Organizations in Criminal Justice Reform [Part 2 of 2]

Criminal justice isn’t just a political issue. When over 2.7 million U.S. children have parents in prison, it’s also a family issue. When those single-parent families struggle to help their children succeed in school, it’s an education issue. When incarceration presents mental-health challenges, it’s a medical issue, and when returning citizens struggle to re-integrate into society, it’s a community issue. Finally, when the conditions in the criminal justice system lead to a sense of deep...

The Vital Role of Faith-based Organizations in Criminal Justice Reform [Part 1 of 2]

Most people can agree that our criminal justice system is flawed. There has been a 500% increase in prisoner populations over the last 40 years, with 2.2 million individuals in the United States living behind bars today. Severe racial and socioeconomic inequalities also pervade the criminal justice system; though people of color constitute 35% of the U.S. population, they make up 67% of the prison population. It is clear something needs to change. But what? ...

The Role of Faith-Based Organizations in Promoting Global Stability [Part 2 of 2]

It’s no secret that nonprofit organizations — and faith-based organizations in particular — are being increasingly overlooked by the media and the public. According to FrameWorks Institute, one contributing factor is that the media tends to report on things on an episodic, rather than a thematic level. Media is much more likely to cover stories that highlight the individual tragedy or victory than the systems, structures and institutions that contributed to the individual’s story. This can be damaging for the faith-based nonprofit sector because it makes it all the more difficult for faith-based nonprofits to help frame the public discourse around the importance of...

The Role of Faith-Based Organizations in Promoting Global Stability [Part 1 of 2]

How can faith-based organizations make themselves relevant to the particular cultural, political or news-cycle moment? The media often reports on what government is doing or what individuals are doing, but rarely focuses on all the communities and organizations in which we live our lives. These communities — family, church, school, neighborhood associations, civic groups, after-school programs, food banks — play a primary role in...

The Role of Faith-Based Organizations in Addressing Homelessness in D.C.

The Role of Faith-Based Organizations in Addressing Homelessness in D.C.

Apostle Angeloyd Fenrick was offered over one million dollars for the apartment building that she currently owns in Ward 8 of Southeast D.C, but she refused to sell. Why? Because this isn’t just any apartment building. This building is the home of Columbia Learning International Ministries (CLIM), a faith-based, Christ-centered non-profit organization located in DC that provides housing, case management services, and spiritual supports to the working homeless. CLIM’s sacred mission and vision calls it to...

State of the Union: A Call to Action for Faith-based Organizations

State of the Union: A Call to Action for Faith-based Organizations

President Trump’s first State of the Union speech, delivered January 30th, has drawn both strong criticism and strong support. Missing from the commentary, however, was the role of civil society institutions–families, churches, neighborhood groups, secular nonprofits–in contributing to the country’s flourishing. There is an opportunity here: faith-based and community-based nonprofits can, and should, use national moments...

Sacred Sector: A Lens To View America's Spiritual Infrastructure

Sacred Sector: A Lens To View America's Spiritual Infrastructure

We are living in a unique political and cultural moment one where discussions are taking place about the need to strengthen communities. Notably, the vision to strengthen communities would be impossible without the civil society institutions that not only provide material and social resources, but also shape and nourish the soul. Faith-based organizations from diverse faiths and all spheres of service share in the common goal of...